We are proud to present this year’s TTS Tournament 2022. The TTST has been a long-lasting tradition within the BVE association and for all badminton fans near and far, so missing out on this great event is a no-go of course. This year’s theme shall be 'The Zoo'. BVE shall provide you with a fantastic t-shirt applicable to the theme. This shirt shall be provided to you free of charge, as this is a mandatory requirement to distinguish you and your team members from the other teams. Please make sure you provide us with your t-shirt size when you register for the event.
The participation fee is €23,50 if you sign up and pay before 10 April 2022. After 10 April, the registration fee will be €27,50. The registrations shall close on 1 May 2022. If you have registered but you are unable to join due to unforeseen reasons, there is an opportunity to give your sign-up spot to someone else (mail us if this is the case). Unfortunately, cancellations after 1 May shall not be given a refund because of the shirt order we place. In case the tournament gets cancelled due to corona-related regulations, all participants will be refunded.
This year, the tournament shall again take place at the Erasmus university sports facility (Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062 PA, Rotterdam) on May 21, 2022. On the day, we shall provide a light lunch and snack. Also, the Spar University is within 5-minute walking distance of the sports hall. In the evening, we offer an optional dinner at Ketelbinkie (Wilhelminakade 191, 3072 AP Rotterdam) for €16,50.
(The dinner location and time is still in discussion)
Different from most student association tournaments, our tournament is team-based. It is possible to sign up individually or as a team. The tournament committee will take the responsibility to ensure you and your team stick together. A team consists of at least 1 woman and 2 men.
Should you register individually, the tournament committee will help you by forming a new team with other individuals. We take the age of participants into account but no guarantees are given.
To ensure fair competition, team members should be in the same skill category. The matches that will be played are Men's Double, Men Single, Woman Single and Mixed Double. Unfortunately, according to previous editions of TTST, there are not enough female sign-ups to guarantee Woman's Double.
Day Schedule (preliminary)
These times are not fixed yet and might be subject to change later but we aim to have the following timeslots:
8:30 - 9:00 Registration in the sports hall
9:00 - 9:15 Opening ceremony
9:15 - 17:00 Matches
17:15 - 19:30 Dinner
19:45 ~ Afterparty
Teams will play in four levels: A. Expert (2nd till 4th div) B. Advanced (5th till 6th div, or Men Feather 1) C. Intermediate (7th till 8th div, Men Feathers 2 and Nylon) D. Beginner (9th div and recreational)
Teams in categories A, B and C will play with feather shuttles. It will be the responsibility of the teams to bring their own feather shuttles. Feather shuttles will be available for purchase in the sports hall. Teams in category D will play with nylon shuttles which BVE will provide.
The matches are played based on the Swiss ladder system. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss-system_tournament) In this system, teams who win will move up on the ladder and faces stronger opponents. Additionally, with this system, no teams are eliminated meaning you can keep playing till the end.